Thursday, January 6, 2011

Every new beginning comes from some others beginnings end

"From small beginnings comes great endings" so every new years i listen to my theme song of the previous year and i make new year resolutions. however this year i decided to call them goals. I don't know if feel like if i call them goals they're more likely to happen, because how many times have you made resolutions and then on the first day already forgot... this year one of my goals is to have  better financial management, and i didn't think that this one was going to be one of the more challenging but it definitely has. and this year when i was making my goals i was just think how many things i could do if i wasn't so afraid of failure. and i feel like thats a problem with other people too. we have such great potential we are just afraid. so this year when i was making my goals and thinking of this i wrote things that i might just fail at, but at least i can say i tried. also if i never try i'll never know. some of the things i put down was... learn how to cook, sing live in front of a crowd, better financial management and those are just the main ones. so from small beginnings- such as writing it down on paper- comes great endings- accomplishing it and gaining a better understanding of yourself. because at the end of the year when you look in the mirror do want to see who you truly are, see who you should be, see who you want to be, or do you want to see who you've become. and i'm not saying it going to be easy i know it will be hard and like i always say life's tough, get a helmet.

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