Thursday, January 20, 2011

Life is for living

"The brave don't live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." through out my whole life I've been afraid. there are little things i'm afraid of such as heights i don't like climbing up on stuff or flying in airplanes. i'm also deathly afraid of spiders, even like little tiny spiders. I'm also afraid of driving i know that sounds weird but i am. I'm also afraid of police officers. I'm afraid of standing out and having all the attention on me. And those are just a few things although the list just goes on and on it seems like. Another big thing i'm afraid of rejection and what people think. And i know i'm not alone on this one i feel like we just live in this world where what people think has become the most important thing. One time i was driving with my mom and she saw that i was kind of uneasy and she asked me what was wrong and i told her how i don't like driving under bridges. And she told me that if i don't get over my fears i wouldn't be able to enjoy life. And at the time i was like whatever you my mom you have to say something like that. however now i'm starting to realize the full effect of my fears in my life. And the weird thing about me is when i'm scared i usually don't say anything aloud, unless you're going to put a spider in face then i'll scream. Now i'm in college and so are my friends and tell me all these cool things they've done and i just feel like i'm at a stand still... it's really lame. which brings me to my quote; the brave don't live forever- this life on earth is going to end- but the cautious do not live at all- but when we do leave this earth life do we want to regret not living our lives. so what i'm trying to say is that when i leave this earth i want to be able to say "i had a good run and i'm ready to start another." And i know it's going to be hard i'm not thinking it's going to be easy. i know life's tough but i think as long as i have my helmet i'll be okay.


  1. Lora, You made a good start going up to Richland College, basically on your own. :) Maybe you should watch "What about Bob?" starring Bill Murray, and then start taking baby steps of your own. But I wouldn't try "death therapy."

  2. Hi Lora, I just finished a post and thought you might like this quote from it. "For the brave one is not he that does not fear, but rather he that fears and yet does the thing that he has set out to do." I think in the very trying, you are brave.

  3. Hi, Lora! Congrats on the new blog. I love all your quotes. See, a blog is a brave thing!
